Contact Us

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#50 - 214 Joseph Okemasis Drive
Sutherland Industrial, SK, S7N 1B1


Hours, Location & Contact

Regular Hours of Operation

Monday & Tuesday 9:30 am - 4 :00 pm

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9:30 am - 7:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday and School Breaks

9:30 am—7 pm

Note: Hours may differ on school breaks and holidays, please check social media

Visit us on Facebook and Instagram for the most up-to-date hours, changes to regular hours and all Flynn’s news!

Location and Contact information

Flynn's Forest Indoor Playground is located at 50-214 Joseph Okemasis Drive.

We respectfully acknowledge that Flynn's Forest Indoor Playground is located on Treaty 6 territory and the traditional lands of First Nations and Métis people.  

Our phone number is 306-382-7529 

Email for general inquiries and for party inquiries 

We may close within regular hours for private functions or temporarily if we reach capacity for our facility.  Please check our Facebook page before visiting!